Book group tea

Another grey mizzly day. Everyone is so fed up with it.

My Shetland coat knitting has gone wrong. By the time I’d decreased the back for the arms it was already 1 inch too long. Yet the pattern said to continue straight till it reached that measurement. I’ve decided to put it on hold and start on a front and see what happens. It can’t bear to rip out inches (and days) of work till I know for sure I need to.

I drove Chrissy, Marian on the left and Ros on the right over to Katy’s for book group. It was only us. Katy’s choice was The Colony by Audrey MacGee. They all loved it. I had reservations but as the book had stayed with me weeks after reading it I decided it must have been a good read. Parts they thought poetic I thought pretentious. I especially don’t see the point of not using speech marks. Katy taught English but couldn’t explain why that was done.

She put on a splendid tea which can be seen here.

My iPad is acting up. It won’t update as there’s not enough memory left. It says I’ve used 100g on podcasts but most are not downloads and some I follow can’t delete.

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