77 F/ 25 C

Music, music and
more music.....morning, noon and 
night to keep upbeat


Yesterday, I tried my hand at ripping some CDs so I can have music while I drive home. I had to purchase an auxiliary DVD/CD player/writer as my laptop doesn't have one. My car has no slot for CDs, much to my chagrin so I've had to navigate the owner's manual to figure out how to use the thumb drive I managed to load. As I am 15 years from my retirement when I used technology competently each day, I feel very insecure with my abilities handling technology. Somehow, I made it work so......."she shall have music wherever she goes...." 

This morning I was up making my coffee before 7. I sat sipping in my recliner watching the sun creep into my house. 

The neighourhood mockingbird was already performing. He was up high in my desert willow tree just singing his little heart out and bopping around the branches. He was not easy to catch this morning. Meanwhile, the annoying woodpecker was pecking away madly at my neighbour's metal awning. It sounded like machine gun fire. 

I expect to spend a quiet day at home working slowly at my list of things to do before departure. 

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