A musical afternoon

On a cold, dreich, Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a concert by  the internationally acclaimed Kleio Quartet, ( see extra) in the magnificent setting of Dunblane cathedral.

They nearly didn’t make it for the 3p.m start having got seriously delayed on the Edinburgh bypass.   We sat in the choir stalls, maybe the Arts Guild who organise these events, anticipated a small audience. In the event there was an audience of around hundred, not bad for bitterly cold and windy Scottish afternoon.

The Kleio Quartet , played  music by Mozart, ( Quartet in G Major) Bartok (Quartet No 4) and Mendelssohn’s Quartet in E minor. 

My favourite was the Bartok though I heard mumblings during the interval about it being “challenging”. I would prefer to describe it as vibrant, energetic and intricate   pushing the boundaries of traditional classical music.
Link:  YouTube Kleio Quartet 

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