
It was raining when we arrived in Toronto yesterday, but it's a lot colder today with some gently falling snowflakes from time to time. So I thought I'd have another go at photographing them. It was "the right kind of snow" but wasn't cold enough for them then to remain for more than 2-3 minutes without melting so it was a bit tricky to get the camera lined up and take a focus stack quickly enough. This is my best result, unfortunately there's two flakes stuck together.

It's not Mothers' Day here in Canada until May but, on the basis that it is so in the UK, Son#1 did take my Editor (and me as a gate-crasher!) out for Sunday Brunch - along with Paddy's Mum of course (Our Daughter-in-Law). Naturally Paddy came along too. Outside the restaurant we were amused by the sign in the extra: Daylight Saving Time began here this weekend, 3 weeks earlier than in the UK (with the added advantage that we're only having to cope with 4 hours of jetlag instead of 5!).

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