Sweet smelling narcissi

My daughter knows I love the narcissi from the Isles of Scilly so she had some posted to me. Enough for two vases which is good.

It was a drizzly morning but I did go to our allotment “Seed swap” .  I had lots of vegetable seeds to donate that I used to get from a garden magazine subscription every month. There are lots of things I would never grow so happy to give away. In exchange I got a few packets of flower seeds. The cafe there opened again for the first time this year so I stayed for a coffee and had a nice piece of almond and orange cake. 

Our daughter and family came for lunch so another Mothers Day card and some small gifts including some nice perfume. My husband cooked a lovely roast pork joint plus apple sauce and really crispy roast potatoes.

A rainy afternoon so only a brief dog walk.

Lots of rain this afternoon so 

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