Visual odd socks

By kvross

day 2 of 3 manners

my mum asked if I had a small pink button for a small cardigan she making for a friends grand daughter was so busy never got a chance to take a photo in town

long day at work there was a odd pro photographer today who had 2 huge Nikons with some paparazzi sized lenses in each hand walked up to me with a very rude I'm THE photographer no hello or can you help me i appear to be lost. I replied with a yes sir there are 4 photographer in the building today what area are you looking for. He barked back with the press call i replied with yes that just outside he then barged past me to back stage and had the exact same conversation with the security guard before storming off presumably to outside.

Then got called thick as mince for directing some one with walking sticks to the disabled toilets instead of down a flight a stairs and along a corridor only trying to help.
Finally got stared at like i was the most evil person on the planet by a parent after asking polity if they could get there toddler to stop pushing and kicking the fire extinguisher as it not fixed to the wall and may injure the child if it was to fall over. people are just so rude some times. highlight of my working day lunch.

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