Writing a rock’n’roll song

You would think it might be easy. I’ve spent at least two hours today working on one. Tunes can come quickly but lyrics often take time. They have to make sense and more importantly they have to fit the rhythm of the music. I wouldn’t argue that you’ve got to be syllable perfect, but pretty damn close.

Underneath the Harvest Moon goes at a fast and furious rockabilly pace, so everything has to fit. I think I've managed to do it, but there are still things to solve – how many guitar solos? When do they come in? How many choruses? How does it end?
Does any of this matter you might ask? Well to me, it all matters.
I said hey girl, I’m licenced to thrill
I can dance like a honey bee
She said bees don’t dance but you make me laugh
I’m gonna help you shake your tree

So we went jitter dancin’, we went out a-prancin’
To a fine old rock’n’roll tune
Kissin’ an’ a huggin’ jitterin’ an’ buggin’
Underneath the harvest moon

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