
I got up early to finish a couple of things for work, then logged off very quickly before anyone else knew I was there.
BB got himself off to school, and I did a few chores before heading out for a wee warm up walk.  It was freezing – there was a really cold easterly wind.  When I got home I debated on how many layers I would need to wear for my run – but talked myself out of an extra layer, and hoped for the best.  I was fine.  I enjoyed my run – it was grey and chilly, but the sun appeared just as I got back home.  I quickly hung out some washing, by which time the sun had disappeared again.  Never mind!

I had a few errands to do in town, including picking up a parcel at the Post Office, which proved more challenging than it should have!  I also picked up a couple of paninis for lunch, which were much enjoyed.
Later in the afternoon I popped out for a walk to stretch my legs and picked up provisions for tea.  I did a few more chores and then made tea.  TT didn’t play football tonight, as he too is injured. 
After tea, BB headed out to R’s and BB and I decided to watch a movie.  He picked something, which he declared to be rubbish after about fifteen minutes.  I probably could have watched it though.  He then spent ages finding something else and I dozed off.  I have no idea what he watched in the end, as he woke me up later, telling me it was time for bed!!
The new-ish flower shop in town, had a display of beautiful tulips.

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