The Wren

By TheWren

Wet and happy

The boys' school had an inset day today, which basically meant that the boys had a holiday, so we all went to a nearby lake where we enjoyed a really long walk - Red Flash will recognise it. Both dogs loved running along with the boys on their bikes and even 2yr old L joined in on his 'scuute' bike, which is basically a small bike with no pedals as the young rider propels himself with his feet. It teaches the young rider how to keep his balance as he bikes along and L managed the entire 1 1/2 hour walk which was very impressive. This bike has proved to be an excellent first step towards a proper bike, completely bypassing the need for stabilisers.

Cara was particularly in her element as there was water everywhere and she was in and out like a yo-yo. These Canadian geese arrived on the scene very quickly when they heard us, obviously hoping for some tit bits. However when the geese noticed the swimming retriever they decided they had better stay at a safe distance and instead became interested onlookers.

During the walk we saw lots of Red Kites wheeling above our heads, pied wagtails with their bobbing tails, bramble flowers, dog roses ( the name of which took a bit of explaining to the boys) and also delightful yellow flag irises. The walk ended with a short time in the play park where the boys insisted Granny had a shot on the death slide! It has been another good day.

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