The big kids

It was a miserable weather day, cold, damp, breezy and dark, but we made the most of it.
First parkrun, a fairly late decision and done slowly and chattily.
A bit of shopping and then home to sort out some birthday presents and cards, a lot of family birthdays in the next 3 weeks.
Watched a bit of cycling and then drove over to Fife to meet up with daughter and family for a walk and a meal (birthday/Mothers' Day treat). We wrapped up warm and went up Lucklawhill where the usually good views were almost non-existent. A line of bales and a fallen tree were magnets to the boys to jump and climb, just as they would have tried when younger though I don't think their legs then would have managed these particulat challenges. Not good pics as it was so dark and contrasty but a record.
A very nice meal and then home to finish watching the cycling - though I kept nodding off!

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