Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T


A brighter start to the day than I was expecting which was nice. I wanted to sort the garage out a bit as everything had ended up in the middle and to make space for Neil to keep his new motorbike in there too. He does all my tyre checks and helps me with maintenance so it works well, and keeps the space from being filled with junk.

Then had Beau while Jo met a friend for lunch and was watching the Grand Prix buildup and was asked would I like a dog for an hour! He wouldn’t settle and was driving Jo mad so he came in with me and chilled while we watched the race. He went back home a few hours later after the race. A few days ago I added an extra of Beau at full stretch, and today I’m blipping the opposite and amazing how compact he can make himself when he curls up.

Watching the rugby now (I don’t know the result).

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