Email from Brownie
From: Brownie
To: Caro
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 16:32:03-0000
hey darl, antiwrinkle cream and cocoa my arse, i have entered "the responsible era" in suitably unclassy and imature fashion so no up and coming crisis on the horizon for me.
had the first round of drinkies on wed night about 15 to 20 people turned up and i felt very loved. i got shockingly drunkified culminating in my having to barf out of the cab door as we drove through the burbs of london on the way home.
cab driver "do you want me to pull over?".
me "no thanks, ive had plenty of practice at this".
much to the amusement of karen and michelle who were sharing a cab with me. thurs morning 6.15am, oh dear. i get up and to to work. things werent too flash at all and im proud to say that i did absolutely nothing all day.
THEN on thurs night had to go out for round two. have to say that i really didnt want to go at all but dragged my old carcass out and ended up having a great night. went to this funky bar type thing called herbal. have you heard of groove amarda? well they were djing at this place and the music was all like the stuff from that movie jackie brown. Blaxtipolation or something like that I think. it was brilliant.
i was at this place when you guys called and i tried to co ordinate myself to be answering my ph but it all went horribly wrong but thanks heaps for ringing, that was really sweet and im pissed off that I missed you! So that was that, 30 done and dusted.
Have finally organised my contracts with work so should be getting paid this Friday so can then proceed to the home office next week to sort out the visa situation. Rock on Hawaii.
The nz news. Andy. Well shes only just gone and bought herself a house! She saw it on a fri, got the mortgage on mon, completed on thurs. moves in in two weeks. Bloody hell. Perhaps I need a thirty crisis to shake things up. She really excited.
Oh god, remember that really cool shop out at st lukes that we looked in. remember those bowl things that were made out of glass with pebble things in them. The really cool ones. Well I organised for mum to buy andy one of those for her b/day. I get this ph call from mum 12.30am on a wed my time!, shes out at st lukes going lisa I think you’ve lost your mind, they are hideous. The cheek. I said bloody rubbish and made her buy it anyway. It got duly delivered to andreas. Her mum now thinks that ive lost my marbles but its “grown” on andrea.
Anyway are the travelling dynamic duo getting on? I went into the web site last w/end, bloody briliiant. I especially liked your goss and tips page. You look really good in some of those photos, no kidding. Espec the Hamilton shots. Tres photogenic darl. You can tell poss there will be SERIOUS editing of any Hawaii shots or else we will have dates in Europe later on this year for limb removal!
Take care my darlings and lots of love to you both.
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