Beach day

I stopped at Lawrencetown Beach this morning for a few photos, but there are still too many rocks on it to go for a walk. Another woman was there and she could see some black dots in the water off the point, she was wondering if they were seals or surfers. I said surfers, because that is usually the area where they are. We watched for several minutes and sure enough a couple of them did catch a wave they could ride. Crazy people who go surfing in the Atlantic Ocean all winter.

I am going to an Evans and Doherty concert tonight at a local church. The last time they played there was March 2020, just before covid hit. I was not there, but I am hoping that history does not repeat itself.

I still have a cold but am starting to feel a little better. I took a different cold medication yesterday and that helped. Except it is 'non-drowsy' and I took 2 capsules just before I went to bed. I didn't really sleep till about 3 am as a result.

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