Nest Building

First thing this morning I drove over to Sculthorpe Moor, my first visit this year as I've been waiting for a few days without rain. I was just shocked at the level of flooding, it was be more aptly called Sculthorpe Swamp! The reserve has the Riven Glaven running through it and it's low lying (hence the paths are mostly raised boardwalks, but I've never seen it this bad or anything close. At one point I was told they had to close the reserve as the the boardwalks were under water, and in places they still go under water as you walk on them. My main photo is of two swans that have built a very big nest in amongst the trees that at the moment have flood water all round them - I wonder what the swans will do when it dries out. I've added two collage extras, one from my phone of the flooding, the other of a bullfinch, reed bunting, swan and a mallard couple in the lovely sunshine. It's been beautifully sunny all day, with the temperature up to 13C and (yay) no wind. This afternoon I washed the car given the better weather, and was edited my photos. 

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