Manliest shopping

ever. And axe and some beer. 

We chopped the pile of branches today. End result was some piles of firewood. 4 hefty bags of crushed branches that I can use at the foot of the berry bushes and 1 large box of sawdust for the bio composter.The axe is for the bigger pieces. We have one axe, but I was told that it's quite small for this purpose.

I'm still quite fatigued. I think I have the Springtime lethargy. It's very common here when the daylight returns. As the light increases, the circadian rhythm may become confused, which results in fatigue. Just have to let it pass. Usually it will just blow over in few weeks.

Oh, my knee is swelling up again. Called the health care center on Friday, got an appointment for next Friday. Will cancel it, if it calms down. I guess the effect of the cortisone shot is over.

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