Same Old...

location for my sunrise photos.....same beach, same wharf, same tree...If that tree ever gets blown down, what will I do? It has been my go-to for silhouette-against-sky for so long! 

Today, for a change,  I set out to try a new vantage point - the boat launch area on the other side of the harbour and yacht club. A good idea, but unfortunately, access to it was gated off; it's locked for now. Perhaps later in the season? So, for now, it will continue to be beach with tree...or just beach

After the sun was up,  I went out for breakfast with my friend Noreen and over our coffee, we were lamenting the winter we had just endured..endless dull gray days, no snow sparkling in sunshine, hardly any sun at all...or snow for that matter!  A lot of illness, boredom, and lethargy. Neither one of us could remember such a winter and feeling that way. Was it the weather? Is it just that we are getting older and have less energy? We used to be so much more active. In other years, I would have a big overseas trip planned by now and would have started gathering what I need to pack...Noreen would be all hyped up about upcoming ballet, or dance performances .. We would have SO much to talk about...instead of the latest flu bug going around .. Yikes! What has happened to us? 

This has got to I went home and started searching the VRBO website for houses to rent in England or France or anywhere for that matter....At my age, I do not have time to waste ...lethargy is not an option. 


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