All Ken’s fault . . .

Yesterday I mentioned that chatting with Ken we got onto HiFi and record players (turntables), which had resulted in some furniture moving.
Well this is the result, and it’s the first time in nearly twenty years we have been able to listen to our LPs properly.  I was very pleased with the compatibility with the turntable and our new (about fifteen years ago) amplifier.
All I had to do (ALL??) was swap the sewing table in the living room with the WiFi cabinet which was gathering dust in the ‘family’ room.
For anyone interested it’s a Pro-Ject Debut/Phono SB turntable, and a Panasonic SA-XR25 tuner amplifier (been in constant use for everything).  The amplifier was a choice of two ex-display units, this and the SA-XR45 which was a fair bit more, and all these years later I wish I had bought the SA-XR45 as it has more optical inputs which I could use now.
Rugby in an hour, so I better get moving.

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