Freddie the dachshund

Freddie was one of our hosts tonight when we were invited over to dinner at F and D's house. It was a fun evening. Nine of us gathered around the enormous table in our hosts' vast dining room for a fabulous meal and chat. The two children in our company occasionally popped in to say hello, as did the dog. 

The only mishap of the evening was losing a tube of Mummy hazelh's cough sweets somewhere in our hosts' house. F and I hunted for them everywhere. When they couldn't be found, F offered Mummy hazelh some German alternatives. I eventually discovered the missing sweets back at home - in Mummy hazelh's cleavage!

I missed my usual Friday early morning exercise bike ride, walk to the gym and back, pilates class and swim to give my crankle a chance to heal. As a result, I enjoyed a rare lie-in. This was on the sofa bed in the study. I was there because I found it impossible to drop off to sleep last night. I simply could not get the Hamilton songs out of my head, especially my favourite 'The room where it happens'. 

I managed a walk up the road this morning to buy provisions for the evening's party, including a wee present of metallic pencils for our host's little girl, chocolates, and wine. I also called into the pharmacy to pick up two prescriptions and buy a compression bandage for my crankle. I had fun with the pharmacist when selecting the right size of bandage. He ended up wrapping a tape measure around my ankle to be certain that a 'medium' was the right one for me.

Exercise today: walking (10,235 steps).

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