Oz Experience
Our last day on the Oz Experience was spent tootling along the coast to Melbourne. On the way a bizarre thing happened. We were queuing in a pie shop for a sausage roll (look, it's good backpacker food; you have one of those, you don't need to eat again for 2 or 3 days) when Caroline saw Reg standing in front of us.
This is the same Reg I mentioned at the very beginning of this chapter, who we were to be staying with in Melbourne! It was WEIRD. I mean, we knew that he and Jacinta were holidaying along the coast, but for us all to get an urge for a sausage roll at the same time... Some huge karmic forces were obviously at work here. Anyway, so we had a bit of a chat, and told him that we'd see him in a couple of days.
We only made a couple more stops. One at the beach to watch the surfers which took Caro back to her teen years.
We also stopped for lunch at Torquay where we sat with Rosco and a fellow driver named "Foghorn". ("Your second name wouldn’t be ‘Leghorn’ by any chance?" asked Caro. "See what I’ve had to put up with on this trip?" sighed Rosco.) Foghorn explained that it was just a nickname given to her by passengers that she quite liked. Then Rosco went on to tell us how to play the game of "Depthcharge" in which you shove a 20 cent piece in your bumcrack and try to drop it in a mug. Try it at home, if you like.
Then we were off again! Flying along the coast road, with fantastic views and my soul tape blaring "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" over the bus speakers! "Mmmmmmm.... Nice," said Rosco.
So that was the end of our Oz Experience, which was such a shame as we’d met so many cool, interesting and funny people. Oh and Anthony in his red bandana.
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