
One of those days when any of a number of pictures would do.

We treated ourselves to a day off today and went to Leighton Moss in the south of the county. I'd been wanting us to go for the past couple of months.

I was really tired as I had insisted walking to the Lower Hide where the teal hang out! I needed to go back and sit in the car while The Man went to the other hides but at least I saw 23 species and heard the bittern.

I was just disappointed that I had taken all my shots without my 100- 400mm lens at full zoom so a lot of cropping has gone on. There was a big fuss about the scaup being seen but my photos weren't good enough to use for a blip.

Species seen: pheasant, greylag goose, Canada goose, mute swan, cormorant, greater black-backed gull, black-headed gull, mallard, coot, moorhen, teal, gadwall, scaup, tufted duck, goldcrest, shoveler, blackbird, robin, dunnock, crow, wood pigeon, collared dove and marsh harrier.

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