Screed is down. It only took 30 mins to be piped in. I really wanted to see it happen but had to leave early to collect the horse box from the garage. It's had a new power steering pump -£500 :0(

Drove over to see mum after work. She's now in a community hospital which is so much nicer. Her mobility is loads better. We just need to get her out of there now. 

Stopped in at the farm to drop off some food for the chickens and ducks. They were very low.  Annoyed it shouldn't be up to me when I live 2 1/2 hrs away but hey ho! Couldn't face driving back immediately so popped to Sals for a brew and chat/whinge! 

Toby cooked dinner for everyone tonight as Mike still working on the bathroom. He made chicken casserole. It was lovely. 

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