The New Forest

I strode out today with the intention of going a little further than I had previously, following my recent surgery.. I walked along familiar paths and meadows and observed familiar scenes of distant hills and rolling farmland, and there was a strange haze on the landscape. Heat haze? Unlikely, it was raw cold and I regretted not taking my gloves. 

When I got to the furthest point on the walk I was shocked to see new tree planting where there used to be cattle and sheep grazing. Quite a sight and it made me wonder what this was all about.

The cynic in me smells money.

Farmers do not normally turn over acres and acres of fertile arable land to new woodland. Unless there is a financial  incentive.

I shall do some investigating and report back unless anyone else has a plausible opinion.

On my return I met a very energised Pentecostal Minister who was extremely comfortable chatting to me, and upon seeing my camera he told me about his father who was also a very enthusiastic photographer.

I would describe him as a claphappy chappy with a snap happy pappy.

It's the weekend everyone, and I hope you all have a good one!

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