
I’m back blipping and have missed out a day. I’ll get back to it soon. It was a tricky day to write about.

Today though, I got up early and headed to a part of London I’ve not been to before. I didn’t even know there was a station called ‘Custom House’ but it was very very busy in rush hour. I needed a new passport quickly as I have an unexpected trip next week and my passport runs out in June. The process is so much simpler than it used to be and I’m a big fan. The new passport office was efficient and organised and so so quick. I was in and out within 20 minutes.

I then headed to see my Frip SMLP in their new home. And what a wonderfully nice time we had. I love where they’re living, and their church building and the feel of their neighbourhood too. We had a lot to catch up on and found a great lunch haunt too.

Back to a changed home.

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