
Very strange but the first flower to come out on the amaryllis is still flowering. The other three have died. In fact the last bud was the first to die. But I see there is another bud coming on a new stem.
Bible study this morning then shopping at Sainsbury . My daughter phoned snd said our grandson has lost his job as the company is on the edge of bancrupcy. The accountant who is friend of the owner did a runner at Christmas with all the company money. That means my grand daughter who also worked there won't get paid this month either. HMRC are involved as well as it isn't only theft but fraud as well. He had been siphoning off money over a period of time. He took thousands. Not a nice friend. Very hard to deal with when you have mortgage to pay plus bills. Gage is working there for nothing at the moment to try to help out. I think he has a job lined up

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