Garden mural

No time for shopping en route to choir today as I wanted to get the table set up for any more Easter egg donations.  Bit of a dull day and it started to drizzle as I reached the church where we sing. I had walked through some of the back streets to vary my route.  Some of the old terrace houses around there just have a small yard instead of a garden.  This one has a bricked up window -  I liked the way they had created a garden mural over it to brighten up their outside space. Just one coughing fit during the first song so left the room, but not too bad after that except that some of the notes didn't come out at all!  Nights and mornings are worst, but hopefully slightly better each day.  Another 3 carrier bags of eggs from our lovely choir members - thankfully G offered me a lift home so that I didn't have to take them on the bus :-)

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