She's Back!

Chippilina worked hard reopening her front door (which is awkwardly placed in the middle of my driveway) and clearing away winter debris and then rushed off to check out the Back Porch Cafe which had to be closed due to Ratty.  I was sure she would be very disappointed.  I made an executive decision to begin a new home delivery option for the cafe.  Our slogan is, "With Seed Dash, there's no need to scurry, your seeds are delivered directly to your burrow in a hurry!"  I am sure Chippilina will quickly store away the seeds I deliver in her underground pantry which must be pretty empty after a long winter.  I haven't seen Ratty in several weeks but I'm not sure if he and his friends are still in the barn cellar so, for now, Seed Dash is in operation.

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