It's Abstract Thursday!

Today I went to the hairdresser for a wash and blow dry and actually made a next appointment for a full session!  I left with lots of time to spare in case my longer walk was slower than anticipated, which mercifully it wasn't!  On reaching Sainsbury's car park I saw that many more parking spaces seemed to be filled than usual and then I saw the reason least a quarter of the car park was shut off while they made 'improvements'.  I learned later that these improvements involve electric car charging points which are of no value to me.
This afternoon I quickly photographed the knitted trinkets that The Son bought for Violet from his church as V wasn't well last week.  Her favourite is the multi coloured rose which appears today, given the ZigZag treatment, a PS Elements filter that I've not used for some time.  Many thanks to our regular host Ingeborg.

Edit:  Mr MC's eye op is on 8 March.  Everything is crossed that it goes smoothly!

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