Wedi gordyfu

Wedi gordyfu ~ Overgrown

“The fantastic is a natural component of life, not something that should be dismissed as unreal.”
― Rene Magritte

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Mae Nor’dzin yn dal yn teimlo’n sâl. Dydy hi ddim yn well, ond dwedodd hi ‘dim gwaeth na ddoe’.

Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i’r pentref heddiw. Mae cynllun gyda ni i gael pryd bwffe yn nhŷ Richard a Steph ar gyfer dydd Sul y Mamau, felly roeddwn i’n prynu byrbrydau amrywiol. Bydd hi’n hwyl i weld y teulu eto. Rydw i’n gobeithio bydd Nor’dzin yn ddigon da i fwynhau'r diwrnod.

Cefais amser i grwydro'r fynwent tra roeddwn i yn y pentref. Mae llawer o'r hen feddau a cherfluniau wedi cwympo ac mae planhigion yn dechrau eu gorchuddio.  Mae'n ddiddorol i weld y newidiadau dros y blynyddoedd.

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Nor'dzin still feels ill. She is not better, but she said 'no worse than yesterday'. 

I had to go to the village today. We have a plan to have a buffet meal at Richard and Steph's house for Mothering Sunday, so I bought various snacks. It will be fun to see the family again. I hope Nor'dzin will be well enough to enjoy the day.

I had time to explore the cemetery while I was in the village. Many of your old graves and statues have fallen and plants are beginning to cover them. It is interesting to see the changes over the years.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Wyneb cerflun yn y fynwent
Description (English): Face of a statue in the graveyard

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