Unreal? No, real….

And that is how it was. Red sky in the morning……. Shepherd’s warning. One of the best dawn skies I’ve seen. We get amazing colours in sunrises and sunsets here in Marlborough. The sky and air is very very clean and clear and is beloved by film makers. Interestingly son Alex and daughter-in-law Hannah were camping at Totaranui in the Abel Tasman National Park last night. Alex sent family members, via Messenger, a series of red dawn skies he had photographed this morning. It seems he was likely spoilt for choice as well. Heart singing moments……
This afternoon Dawn and I joined a number of our women jogger friends at the funeral of one of our number’s husband. . A very nice service with lots of support for Ariel. Her husband had served in the Royal New Zealand Air Force and it seemed to me that half the retired Air Force personnel were in attendance. A tribute to Richard. RIP.

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