
By HareBrain


The term digitalis is also used for drug preparations that contain cardiac glycosides, particularly one called digoxin, extracted from various plants of this genus. and I've taken this drug for the last 7 years - I love foxgloves so am glad I take a pill a day containing their precious glycosides!!

In the lunch hour I visited our Library as it has a very nice photo exhibition at the moment by one of the Welsh Regiment soldiers who has done quite a few tours in Afghanistan and is now sharing his wonderful poignant photos with us.

These foxgloves were in a vase in the library which, next Tuesday evening, has the honour of a visit from Kate Long (author of the number one bestselling novel "The Bad Mother's Handbook". She lives just up the road from us). I must try to attend. How funny, fellow blipper Woodpeckers only mentioned the other day that her Book Club has just been reading and reviewing one of Kate Long's books, Before she was mine and on which I replied to Helena "I must have a read of that" ..... and now I get to meet the Author.

Happy weekend everyone :-)

ps. Correction needed to the penultimate paragraph above: It wasn't woodpeckers it was JazzyB's Book club, and the book which JB was referring too wasn't one of Kate Long's --- ooooops!!! I am surely going mad, but in any event I may just have a quick read of "before she was mine" and go to meet Kate Long next Tuesday??!!!

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