
Bamboo in Bangalore

This bamboo is quite spectacular and grows in the middle of Bangalore. There are stray dogs here that are quite friendly; everyone seems to feed them. Not so nice are the midges and mosquitoes that can be quite vicious. Apparently there are a few snakes around here, although only grass snakes and not cobras so they assure me.

Bangalore is very central in Indian history. It is very central and the focus of many wars, where the British empire lost at first but then eventually won (the Duke of Wellington eventually). There were then the famous days of the East India Company, even Winston Churchill made his name here. Independence in 1948 brought an end to that after the second world war where it was a staging post for the allies fighting the Japanese in Burma.

So it is a place full of history. Q. Where do Chillies come from. A. South America and imported by the Portugese to India and Bangalore. This gives Indian cooking its characteristic heat !!

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