Let’s Go Round Again

Off to Staveley Roundhouse tonight for a couple of one act comedies, both with friends of ours appearing in them.
It’s a great little venue - its footprint is that of the gasometer that used to stand on the site so it is, indeed, very round and not that large. Maximum audience size is around 45 and the acting area is necessarily quite restricting on how lavish you can get with scenery, props and, perhaps more pertinently, cast numbers.
But by working within those restraints, a small group of talented actors were able to produce two very funny - and quite different - pieces which went down well with the capacity(!) audience. A most enjoyable evening and not even a late one as we were home before 10.
The good weather continues and it really has been quite pleasant these last few days. I had to pick up a prescription from the chemists, which is only a ten minute walk away, but took a meandering route home meaning I was out for more than an hour and had covered over 5K by the time I got home.
No chance of an early night tomorrow as we’re travelling much further afield for our entertainment…

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