From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Back again…

We met Matthew for lunch today. Great to take the opportunity in his working day. Too short but much enjoyed… and my Mothers’ Day card was delivered by hand.

He told us where to meet but it was fully booked so we moved on and he took us to Kingly Court near Soho and off Carnaby Street. As soon as we got there I was taken back years to a previous very happy occasion. One of the days We4 had spent in London! My extra!! 

The days are still rather mixed and up and down but we are in touch often and also with Valerie’s children. Neil was so exhausted after last week but is getting stronger, appreciative of visits from their many friends and the care of loving children.  I have been blessed by dear friends and by comments and support here on Blip. Thank you. The return to daily routines has been good. Daily we remember our dear Sis and it can feel like a bad dream but no way would we have wanted her to go on as she was. Our shared faith is a huge strength.

I will back post a few special days of the last weeks, for my journal, but today has been a start and a reminder that life, love, family and friends are wonderful gifts, and as if needed, that Valerie will always be there in the happiest of ways.

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