House revealed!

Up until yesterday our house was more or less hidden from the road by a belt of forest. And today it is clearly visible from the road, as in this picture.
Jan, Andy, and Monika are standing in front of some timber that until yesterday formed part of that forest.
This picture (flickr) shows a birch going down. It was the last tree to be felled in what was a copse of trees just below our garden. The final birch was left standing so there are still a few trees left in the landscape.
Just realised this was JoeTree Day, a day to feature trees. Well, I've blipped felled trees which seems a bit doubtful. Putting a positive slant on it all these trees are going to be used (paper pulp, timber, pellets for burning), and they will be replanted to provide another harvest (in about the year 2100!) so they are still part of the cycle of life!

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