Now we know

(alternative title; Sometimes you have to walk towards the light)

At the start of an assessment course, as Course Director, I have to explain the possible outcomes, I also add that realistically, most candidates, if they're honest with themselves (and of course if the assessment is fair) usually know where they're at by the time we sit down for our final chat.
Yesterday one candidate was a long way off on all the navigation, more worryingly though the fundamentals, the basics of using and interpreting the map, they were missing. Today we swapped the groups over so a different pair of eyes (another experienced instructor) could give me a comparative opinion.

My group were, frankly, superb. At one point I thought J had gone wrong, but she knew where she was, clearly had a plan. After a circuitous route she declared (correctly) "I'm here". When I discussed her route choice she told me she thought we deserved a temporary respite from the knee deep mud and had hoped (again correctly) that the path through the plantation would be nicer - excellent leadership, group morale lifted.

At the end of the day the groups came together, a simple shake of the head from Karl let me know at 100ft, he'd seen the same as me. 
8 good passes, 3 wanting to do further awards, all enthused and eager to begin taking groups out. 

When I sat with A I asked her where she thought she was at; "fail" was all she said.
So I explained that her leadership was good, her flora and fauna knowledge excellent, that her home paper (planning exercise) had been great, that her teaching and coaching styles all met the requirement. But her navigation needs a lot of work.
So I see that as a deferral. Go away, practice, work on the specific skills we've written down in your pdp and come back. She left with an action plan and a smile.
9 good results. 

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