Abstract Thursday - Keyboard

Playing around with my photography sphere, Possibly influenced by images of microphones besides keyboards.

My very first shot at judging the mono Monday challenge nearly ended up with the bullk of entrants being disqualified. I had relied on using the search tab in the Blipfoto app and ended up with only about fifteen entrants and this disconcerted me somewhat as the previous week's challenge had over a hundred entrants. Fortunately I found that if you use the google search engine you suddenly find yourself with a lot more entrants, over eighty in fact this week. Unsurprisingly eggs, marbles and glass spheres seem to predominate this week but there were some brilliant entries. 

My pick. of the week go to :-
    Honeycombebeach ...immense amount of creative thought and effort
    fotoperks ... the best of the glass sphere images
    BikerBear. ...a lovely moody low key image
    Fotoplay. ... brilliant graphic image
     Honorable Mentions go to :-


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