The grandson eating snacks
What better can a grandfather know as having five hours with his grandson!
I took my grandson from the pre-school already 1 pm. Usually he is there until 4 pm. He came very eagerly to me from the school. We went through a forest, imaging that it was a jungle, and tried to take the most difficult slopes and frozen puddles. It took one hour to go through the jungle and find all nice things there. Then we went to a sports hall . And we had this big hall only for us for 45 minutes before this group of young people had come. The grandson run with a tennis ball from one side of the hall to other side and I had to run with him. Then I was a goalkeeper and the grandson was clever to fool me to get the ball to the goal many times.. And even when the hall was reserved, we hanged around in the auditorium and in a free space above the auditorium.. We exercised parkour, we ate snacks and for a picnic dinner we had warm sausage soap in a thermal thermos which mrs Akkuv had made for us.
We had delicious rye bread that mrs Akkuv had baked.
And naturally we had yogurt and raspberries that I had taken from the freezer in the morning (mrs Akkuv had picked them last summer).
We draw to a sketchpad, which I always have with me. We played padminton . We always find something to do. I had to ask from the grandson's mother an extra hour when we had so much fun - we stayed in the hall four hours.
I often try to teach mathematics or reading to my grandson where ever we are, but the grandson does not allow me to teach too much. He complained again that I am a too eager teacher and I naturally stopped teaching at once.. But then after a while he himself told me that 6 + 6 = 12 and I had not asked the question.. I have tried to teach him earlier that 6 + 6 is easiest to count as the amount of fingers in both hands +1 + 1.
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