
By CharChar

Wonder of the world

Today we were up super early for a trip to see Chichen Itzá. We left the hotel at 5.30am!

First stop was a place called cobs with maybe ruins, they are quite spread out so they have the option to ride a bike or you can have a guide who takes you around on a bike with two seats at the front and we opted for this so we didn’t get too sweaty at our first stop of the day.

After Coba we visited a little town called Valladolid which had a lovely square with a beautiful church. We also were told to get an ice cream from one of the vendors in the square which was delicious!

We then headed to a Cenote which is a hole in the ground with fresh water, you had to climb down some rickety wooden steps to get down to it, but it was super refreshing in the 35 degree heat once you were in! After we had a traditional Mayen lunch which consisted of tacos and nachos yummy!

It was then on to Chichén Itza to see a wonder of the world, I have been here before but over 10 years ago and it has changed a lot since then, they even have a Starbucks there now! It was so hot walking around, so we were glad to take a few pics and go and sit in a nice cold bar once done! It’s been a long day and I really hope for a lie in tomorrow!

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