Knife Angel

I’ve wanted to see this for quite some time.
Luckily it is in Bury town Centre for a couple of weeks……. so after my Zumba class I came in to see it.

It really is quite something, when you get close up and can clearly see all the knives individually….. apparently it weighs over 3 tonnes!!

It’s been another busy spell lately hence the lack of blips…. I am trying lol!

Lots of activity on the building site, seems they are lining up for a big visit. Lots of new planting & grass being laid….. so much so that there was a ground worker in my garden yesterday morning, pulling out all my skimmias that form the low border under my black metal picket fence!!

I went out and said “excuse me, what are you doing?!” He said we are replacing all these with these taller shrubs….. I knew straight away that they were laurels & how quickly they grow & maintenance required.

I said no thank you, I don’t want a tall hedge that ultimately will block out any view I have from my Lounge & dining room windows. He was a bit flustered & said I’ll have to go & speak to someone, I am just doing what I’ve been told.

Long story short, the Site Manager came, was very understanding & said at the end of the day you are the owner, so what you say goes :-) The instructions had obviously come from on high & is all about creating ‘a look’ when people come to the Sales Office & Show Homes, which is directly across from my house.

In other news, I now have a flagged area to put my bins on, which doesn’t require me to move my car every time a bin needs emptying :-D

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