
The reason I haven't blipped for a couple of days is that Google is denying me access to the photographs in my computer. Fixing it looks a little complicated, so I've asked Doug if he can come by and deal with it for me. When I've tried to do my blip using my phone, I'm told the images are too small. So here is a photo of Sylvie that I've just taken, which made it on to blip but I have no idea what size it is.

I inadvertently lifted my left arm while in the dialysis chair and caused an infiltration.  That resulted in a very swollen arm and an early end to my dialysis session. I spent the rest of the day yesterday icing my arm and have spent today doing the same.  I think the swelling may have reduced a little bit at this point, but I'm going to keep it up for the rest of the night and hope that when I wake up tomorrow, and go back to dialysis, the swelling will be gone. I felt like such an idiot.

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