Happy mural

Walked to town today along union street, not my usual way and noticed this mural which I had never noticed before. I was on my way to catch the bus to go out and see Toby and Tasha and Tricia. Toby is the dog that has an anal gland tumour which is huge! He is reluctant to eat and Tricia has difficulty making hoping take olive oil in the evening followed by activia yoghurt. It helps him poo!

I popped into M&S on the way and bought some diced beef and some tulips for Tricia. I nearly forgot the beef when I left but I left a cube for Toby. As I arrived back home Tricia sent me a message to say that Toby had been really happy to eat it raw and she had some mince which he also enjoyed! She will now buy some cubed beef for him!

Extra. Picture of Tasha and a camellia in Tricia’s garden!

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