Green Shoots
A nice day with some lovely sunshine for a change after all the rain and grey skies we’ve had recently. My sister Susan came over, and we had lunch out after putting some yellow roses which she had brought onto Mum and Dad’s grave in the churchyard - they’re in advance, ready for Mothering Sunday. Our Mum loved yellow flowers, and especially in the spring. I shall get some yellow and white chrysanthemums if I can and add them to Susan’s flowers on Sunday.
It’s so good to see the daylight hours lengthening. I took my blip in the late afternoon about 45 minutes before sunset, so I hope the late sunshine comes across in the shot. I have no idea what shrub it is, but am just enjoying the sight of things shooting up and out all fresh and green.
No green shoots for my flat sale unfortunately - after the flurry of viewings a couple of weeks ago it’s all gone horribly quiet again. All positive vibes and prayers for some better news would be much appreciated.
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