
I had several possible candidates for today’s blip. This wasn’t one of them until I passed underneath this Camelia down a dark alley on the way to a meeting at the Holy Cross church.

My torch picked out the white flowers which made me stop and see if I could use the torchlight to capture the beauty of the flower at night. This was my first go.

The meeting was very interesting, one of the regular BearstedCAN get togethers where updates are give about the various activities and initiatives promoted by Bearsted Climate Action Network.

At one level it seems an ant trying to stop a bulldozer. On the other, every action makes a difference and as Susan always says, if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem.

Another favourite quote of hers is that the greatest danger that threatens our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. (A statement made by Robert Swann OBE - a polar explorer)

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