
When walking Django I had an idea for an exam question so I started work by writing it up. Then I continued the investigation of Sudoku formulations, duplicating the observations of the guy who had emailed me last night. Although his formulation was a bit perverse, it was interesting to see the effect on the solver, and I'll add a section about it to my Sudoku document. 

I then went into Edinburgh, where I was joined at my mother's flat by daughters L and K. Since we're now in a position to sell the flat, it's time to clear it. In sorting through to identify things that we'd want to keep, we generated six bags of rubbish and six bags of recycling. However, there's still a long way to go! It was fun to hang out with them both for an afternoon, and L turned some of the discoveries of mum's OCD into comedy gold!

Back home, I was tired, so was asleep when A came back, so she cooked. Afterwards, I settled down in front of the City vs Copenhagen match.

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