
These tulips were given to us by Samina, a friend who came round for dinner at the weekend. We can't keep them in the house, as cut flowers set off Richard's hay fever. But they look good on a table just outside the patio doors. And they offer all sorts of opportunities for photographic faffing.
Thanks to everyone who's sent good wishes about our apparently endless head colds. I've taken it easy today; my only outing has been to pick Eben up from school and get him to his swimming lesson and back.
I've dipped in and out of BBC radio coverage of today's budget announcements too. Small but cynical tax cuts, in advance of an election that can't be too far away now (and can't come soon enough).  I've also gone through the process of getting a GP appointment; these days, the quick phonecall to a receptionist that we used to make has been replaced by the completion of an online form. Then, with luck, the practice phones back. When Richard did this recently, they offered him an appointment about 6 weeks ahead; this, for a review of blood pressure medication that was already due when he submitted his form. I had more luck today; reporting symptoms of what I think may be a chest infection, I was given an appointment for this time next week. By then I will either have recovered or got worse and taken myself to the local NHS walk-in centre.   But I've accepted the appointment, for now. Compared to many other scenarios, this is minor. But it's the drip-drip of collapsing public services that gets to me.

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