
By dorrit


I love glass. Not diamonds or crystals but glass. I don't mind dusting it or washing it because I get such joy seeing it sparkle. I sprinkle white Christmas tree lights through them to make them sparkle more. I told one of my customers how much I liked glass and he dug out glass that had been stored in the barn of his parents farm when he was a child and which he had stored in his attic since their death. He was ninety! The next day he and his wife brought me three boxes of dirt encrusted antique milk bottles, canning jars and big pickling jars. Cleaned up they were so beautiful! Some change colors in the light, some are almost lavender, some blue. Every timeI glance at them or dust them I think of them and of his parents, their farm and the history of the glass. Yeah, I'm nuts!

This week has been tough because I was tired from my trip, had company and had to leap right back in to work. I am so glad the weekend is here and I wish you all a happy (and relaxing) one!

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