72 F/ 22 C

What to do on a 
grey day? Keep busy with the 
camera, of course! 


A phone call woke me this morning just before 8. No sunshine to flood the house today, so I've 'slept in'.. 

After coffee and granola, I thought I'd just take a drive around the corner to the frontage road to see inside the Trading Post. I walked in with my camera in hand which caught the attention of the owner sitting there. We went on to have a very interesting chat about metal sculpture, then she asked what I did with my photos. I had the opportunity to explain Blipfoto and its importance in my life. 

As it turns out, she and her husband own the home where I've taken photos of the aliens and spaceships in the front yard. She went on to explain how she has decorated some of these metal sculptures for the Christmas season and placed them in her yard. 

The owner has a friend who is a photographer and she was hoping I'd still be there when the friend arrived this morning. Sadly, no, I headed home to do my blip! 

I'm starting to pack up to be ready to leave in two weeks. I'm working on the little jobs today. 

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