The Magnolia's Got His Hat on..

"Hip, hip, hip Hooray..
And it's coming out to play!"
Lovely sunny day :-)

Gorgeous sunshine today, I took Leo to the brook for a walk and he enjoyed all the sniffs.  Sometimes he makes being a dog look quite satisfying!
Other than that I had a catch up with my dad, made some salad, prepared Ben's snacks for taking out with the carers and chased some slightly infuriating emails.  Fetched Ben and did a handover with the carers, he was a bit wired today but I still got to take older teen out for a bit which was good.  Ben was home half an hour early as he'd been twitchy and distracted but he's bouncing on the trampoline now and hopefully all will be well.  They told him about a school trip to the Tower of London today, so I think that's made him pretty over-done :-/  Heaven knows how he'll be when that actually comes around!!!

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