
Minstrel has mastered the art of climbing onto the top tier of his front room cat tree from the window sill with neither getting himself caught in the curtain nor ending up behind it and without a clear view of outside. He spent most of the morning on there today, either sleeping or doing his neighbourhood watch duties. 

I've had quite a productive day today - I have looked into matters to do with my eventual pension (It's not great, but not quite as bad as I feared...), sorted out some stuff for Brian to drop into the charity shop, fetched a little shopping from Home Bargains and done two loads of laundry.

I called in to the Co-op on the way back from town to buy milk and they had no semi-skimmed left and not much of the other types either. I hope Brian will have more luck in Tesco. 

Whilst I was out this afternoon the weather was quite warm and springlike. I ended up carrying my jacket in a shopping bag. Though the light was quite good, the only shots I took were pretty meh, so I am going to stick with this one of Minstrel.

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