Door furniture

A very busy day yesterday. Himself kindly drove me in to Kinsale, first dropping off our car for its shock absorbers to be sorted,  It's a good hour and a half but a very scenic drive and we arrived in time for a leisurely lunch and a bimble. The day was shockingly sunny and Kinsale is full of mad colours, very hilly and door wreaths seem to be a thing. 
The workshop was held in the swanky new library and we were downstairs amongst the art. It went really well! 15 people turned up 14 more than I was expecting and were very pleasant and positive with stories to share. One of the most intriguing was about naughty boys weeing in the wart well in Timoleague abbey - this led on to an apparently ancient practice of weeing or spitting on the land, and of pee being good for warts! Who knew.
Home late and too tired to blip for my mouse packed in.
Up early this morning - now Wednesday - to take Betty the Yeti to Finola who had come down to collect a few things. Lovely to have a quick catch up with her and two of Robert's family. Finola is looking so much better than last week, Robert is still in intensive care and making slow but steady progress. It's going to be a long haul though. 

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